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Black Hawk Down – Single


Each piece of film strip is carefully hand selected ensuring that the key characters and scenes from the movie are chosen.

The film cell will include a Certificate of Authenticity.

Supplied ready to hang.

SKU: ZF0170S11 Categories: ,


This superb filmcell features the twice Oscar winning movie, Black Hawk Down (2001). Stars Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore, Jason Isaacs and Ron Eldard.

It’s 1993 and nearly 100 U.S. Army Rangers, commanded by Capt. Mike Steele (Isaacs), are dropped by helicopter into Mogadishu. Their mission is to capture two top lieutenants of a Somali warlord. This leads to a drawn-out firefight with Somali gunmen and the destruction of two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters. Heroic efforts are made by various Rangers to get to the downed helicopters. Sgt. Eversmann (Hartnett), leads a Ranger unit to the first crash site and then to Warrant Officer Durant (Eldard). He was captured after being the only survivor of the second crash.

This is a Limited Edition Film Cell of just 1000 pieces and comes with a Numbered plaque.

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