This superb filmcell features director George Lucas Oscar winning movie Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1980). Stars Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, David Prowse, Anthony Daniels, Alec Guinness, Kenny Baker and Frank Oz.
In The Empire Strikes Back, the rebels abandon their new base on Hoth in order to flee the evil Galactic Empire. Princess Leia (Fisher), Han Solo (Ford) and the droids, R2-D2 (Baker) and C-3P0 (Daniels) escape in the damaged Millennium Falcon. They are later captured by Lord Darth Vader (Prowse) on Bespin. Meanwhile, Skywalker (Hamill) follows Ben Kenobi’s (Guinness) posthumous command. He is to receive Jedi training by Yoda (Oz) on Dagobah. Will Skywalker now be able to manage to rescue his friends from the dark lord?
This is a Limited Edition Film Cell of just 1000 pieces and comes with a Numbered plaque.