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The Ipcress File – Single


Each piece of film strip is carefully hand selected ensuring that the key characters and scenes from the movie are chosen.

The film cell will include a Certificate of Authenticity.

Supplied ready to hang.



This superb filmcell features the three times BAFTA winning movie, The Ipcress File (1965). Stars Michael Caine, Nigel Green and Guy Doleman.

In The Ipcress File, a number of leading Western scientists have been kidnapped. These scientists then reappear a few days later. Unfortunately, each scientist has been brainwashed and is now completely useless. The British send their agent, Harry Palmer (Caine), to investigate. Considering his past, Palmer is surprised to be selected for such a mission and believes he has been chosen because he is expendable.

This is a Limited Edition Film Cell of just 1000 pieces and comes with a Numbered plaque.

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