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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : The Movie – Single


Each piece of film strip is carefully hand selected ensuring that the key characters and scenes from the movie are chosen.

The film cell will include a Certificate of Authenticity.

Supplied ready to hang.

SKU: ZF0484S1 Category:


This superb filmcell features Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995). Stars Karan Ashley, Johnny Young Bosch, Steve Cardenas, Nicholas Bell and Paul Freeman.

The galactically feared, universally despised Ivan Ooze (Freeman) is released from a hyperlock chamber after six millennia. The first thing on his agenda is to conquer Earth. A plan which involves revenge on his imprisoner, and mentor of the Rangers, Zordon (Bell). The Power Rangers, stripped of their powers, must journey to a distant planet and seek the fabled Great Power. It is a race against time. Using the power of Ninjetti they struggle to restore their powers, then save Zordon and defeat Ivan.

This is a Limited Edition Film Cell of just 1000 pieces and comes with a Numbered plaque.

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