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Dreamgirls – Single


Each piece of film strip is carefully hand selected ensuring that the key characters and scenes from the movie are chosen.

The film cell will include a Certificate of Authenticity.

Supplied ready to hang.

SKU: ZF0701S1 Category: Tags: ,


This superb filmcell features the twice Oscar winning movie, Dreamgirls (2006). Stars Beyoncé Knowles, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy and Jennifer Hudson.

Dreamgirls is set in Detroit, during the early 1960’s. Curtis Taylor Jr (Foxx) a car salesman, breaks into the music business with big dreams. He signs a trio of young women, the Dreamettes, and gets them a job backing an R&B performer, James “Thunder” Early (Murphy) who establishes his own record business. When Early flames out, Curtis makes the Dreamettes into headliners as the Dreams, but not before demoting their hefty big-voiced lead singer Effie (Hudson) replacing her with the softer-voiced looker, Deena Jones (Beyonce). Soon after he fires Effie, sending her into a life of poverty. Will Effie ever get her due as Deena and the Dreams go to the top?

This is a Limited Edition Film Cell of just 1000 pieces and comes with a Numbered plaque.

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